The new year can be a prime time to start on a reading goal, like reading more books, branching out to new kinds of books, being more intentional about digesting what you read, or joining a book club. That last one can also be a means of reaching the other goals, by providing focus, accountability, fun social time, and a variety of perspectives.
Ready to explore book club options near you?
Chillicothe Public Library offers six (!) book groups to choose from. And while some do feature food and drink to sweeten the deal, these clubs aren’t just about snacking—the focus is always on fostering worthwhile conversations. We always welcome new readers, and you can try out any or all of the groups, with no pressure to attend every single meeting. Some people like to jump between groups according to which titles pique their interest. While these book clubs are geared for adults, older teens are also welcome.
Here’s a quick tour of our current groups:
- Books+Tea @ the Library, our longest-running book group, is an eclectic book club for adults, meeting on third Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. We read a little of everything (though mostly fiction), and vote for our books each year based on readers’ suggestions. And yes, there is tea. And frequently snacks.
- Curiosity & Cheesecake discusses fascinating true stories about our world, its people, creatures, history, science, and more. We meet on last Tuesdays at 6:30 pm, over treats from our sponsor, Triple Dipple’s.
- Life is complex and many-layered, kind of like a taco. Let’s Taco ’bout It meets on second Tuesdays at 6:30 pm to chew on some of the current hot topics in society—and on actual tacos, too.
- Our Super Secret Graphic Novel Club (formerly called Panel Discussions) talks about comics and graphic novels in a secret location at the library not normally open to the public. And there are passwords! See what it’s all about on last Thursdays at 6:00 pm.
- Chat about whatever you’re currently reading with our Guilt-Free Book Club at Shore Acres on second Tuesdays at 12:00 pm. No assignments, no deadlines! Depending on the weather and our whims, we stroll, sit, or duck inside the clubhouse (thanks to Chillicothe Park District).
- New this year, the Taste of History culinary book club is presented in partnership with the Culinary Historians of Northern Illinois. We discuss culinary culture, history, memoirs and biographies, and food. Since it’s an online discussion, anyone can join from anywhere! We meet four times a year on Thursdays at 7:00 pm.
Copies of the current book club titles are available for checkout at the library, and they are often also available as e-books or e-audiobooks through one of the library’s several digital platforms.
Feelin’ social? You can jump in on discussions or share our Facebook events for each book group: Books+Tea, Curiosity & Cheesecake, Let’s Taco ’bout It, Super Secret Graphic Novel Club, Guilt-Free Book Club, and Taste of History.
Whether we have the pleasure of seeing you at a book club this year, or you prefer to read solo, we at Chillicothe Public Library wish you a great 2023, full of books that meet your needs and widen your world.