Due to the nationwide increase in COVID-19 infection and hospitalization rates a state-wide mask mandate is in place for Illinois. As of August 30, 2021, everyone over the age of two, is required to wear a mask in all indoor settings, regardless of vaccination status.
Guidelines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to slow the spread of the virus and protect the health and safety of residents and students include required vaccination of all healthcare workers, as well as workers at public and private nursing homes. Teachers and staff at pre-k-12 schools as well as personnel and students at higher education institutions are required to receive the vaccine.
According to a study from the CDC, released on August 27, 2021, unvaccinated individuals are being infected at a 5% higher rate than vaccinated individuals, and unvaccinated individuals are at a 29% higher risk of being hospitalized for COVID-19 than those who are vaccinated. Everyone over the age of 12 is eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. To find information about vaccine clinics near you visit www.vaccines.gov.
What does this mean for the library? You are expected and required to wear a mask inside the library at all times. We will have masks available if you cannot provide your own. We also have hand sanitizer throughout the building and encourage everyone to practice frequent hand washing.
For More Information:
- COVID Data Tracker – To keep track of the level of community transmission in your specific county.
- State of Illinois COVID-19 Website – The portal lists vaccination locations, vaccination appointment information, FAQs, and updates on the Illinois Vaccination Plan.
- Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) COVID-19 Vaccine Information – IDPH has the State of Illinois vaccination plan on this page, as well as an extensive Q&A section.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 Vaccine Information – The CDC provides country wide vaccine updates.
- US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) COVID-19 Vaccine Information – Information and updates on vaccine developments and vaccines that are currently approved.