Inciting Joy: Essays, by Ross Gay
Six Feet Over: Science Tackles the Afterlife, by Mary Roach
Remember: The Science of Memory and the Art of Forgetting, by Lisa Genova
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants, by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Making Gay History: The Half-Century Fight for Lesbian and Gay Equal Rights, by Eric Marcus
Octopus! The Most Mysterious Creature in the Sea, by Katherine Harmon Courage
A Little Devil in America: Notes in Praise of Black Performance, by Hanif Abdurraqib
Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures, by Merlin Sheldrake
Aftershocks: A Memoir, by Nadia Owusu
Sugar Changed the World: A Story of Magic, Spice, Slavery, Freedom, and Science, by Marc Aronson & Marina Budhos